Member Since: 2008

IMDb profile

What has been your favourites role?

My favourite role has to be “Stevie Weeks” in Mystery, Alaska. It was my first large role in a large production and changed my life forever at such an early age. Combining my love of hockey with such an all-star cast (a lot of whom I’m still in touch with) was so much fun. I was awestruck and will be for the rest of my life.

What do you do when you are not performing?

Almost 10 years ago, I co-founded a production company, MEDIAPOP Films, with Producer Eric Giesbrecht. I do everything – produce, direct, write, edit – and run day-to-day operations of our company that produces projects of all kinds. Other than that, I’m a very proud Dad and nominal hockey player. 

What director would you like to work with?

Paul Thomas Anderson – His films are eclectic, fashionable, raw, and focus on deep character stories with intimate themes.

What is your favourite movie and/or TV show?

Well, besides Tribal of course, one of my favourite films is “There Will Be Blood” by the above mentioned Anderson. On TV, I fell in love with Schitt’s Creek late in the game – and if I’m feeling daring – The Young/New Pope on HBO. 

As a Performer, what is the one thing you wish you would have known sooner?

Be prepared. Be prepared. Be prepared. Don’t try fit yourself into the mould you think they want, show them your version of the mould… and be prepared.