Member Since: 2009

IMDb profile

What has been your favorite role?

I really enjoyed being on JANN as different characters for all three seasons.

What do you do when you are not performing?

Lately I’ve been getting into powerlifting and bodybuilding, so if I’m not cooking or playing with my kids, I know this will make me sound like a bro, but I’m usually working out 😆

What organization / activity are you involved with or passionate about that people would find interesting?

For a long time I’ve tried my best to advocate for survivors of sexual, domestic, and workplace abuse. I have had varying roles with Sagesse and Shift Calgary and I hope people can support them in what they do.

What Director would you like to work with?

I have a really quirky sense of humour so I’d die a little if I got to work with John Waters. I’m also a mega Matrix fan and in keeping with queer and trans creators, I’d also love to work with the Wachowskis.

What is your favorite movie and/or TV show?

That is so difficult to answer but my love for sci fi started with Star Trek: The Next Generation and continues with shows and films like The Mandalorian, Loki, The Animatrix, and Looper.

As a Performer, what is one thing you wish you would have known sooner?

I wish I had just trusted myself to be myself. I remember working on a low budget movie here where I was with the main cast quite a bit, and I felt so out of place because I was poor and had nothing in common with any of them. I felt so much poor shame and worry about being different that I tried very hard to pretend I was someone I’m not, not to mention I was working overtime to hide that I was transgender. I think we are better performers, as well as better people, when we just accept ourselves for who we are and feel confident in that.